Preskoči na glavno vsebino


Prikaz objav, dodanih na maj, 2019

Young teachers exchange seminar - Liège (Belgium)

Last weekend, the 18. and 19. 5., there was the second part of the young teachers exchange seminar in Liège, Belgium. The first part was in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The concept is an idea from Alex Walnier, 4. Dan (Belgium) and Matjaž Žalig, 3. Dan (Slovenia). It is about giving space and opportunity to young, enthusiastic teachers who want to share their ideas and knowledge with others. But it is more than just practice on the tatamis. It is also about sharing ideas and experiences off the mat, making new friends and learning about the culture of another. Practically the teachers share the class, half of the time each. They refer to the ideas shown by the other, but also present their point of view. So it is an enrichment for both the teachers and the students present. This time was not different. Everyone involved agreed on the added benefit of such an event. That`s why we set out to make the same pair of exchange seminars in Slovenia and Belgium again next year and

Velikonočni seminar v Parizu

Konec aprila sva se učitelja v Keiko Dojo udeležila tradicionalnega velikonočnega seminarja v Parizu. Seminar poteka pod vodstvom Christian Tissier Shihana, 8. Dan Aikikai. Udeležba je bila kot vsako leto številčna, med 300 - 400 aikidok iz celega sveta. Med njimi je izjemno veliko visoko-rangiranih mojstrov, ki glavnemu učitelju sledijo tudi 30 in več let. Tako si na trenutke kar obdan z mojstri ranga 5., 6. in tudi 7. Dan in se kar težko odločiš s kom bi treniral najprej ;)  Kot ponavadi smo jutra začeli z vajami z bokkenom, preostali del dneva pa smo vadili prostoročno. Tema seminarja je bila tokrat tehnika irimi nage, h kateri smo se vedno znova vračali in jo obravnavali iz različnih zornih kotov. Poleg seminarja sva obiskala tudi običajne treninge v doju Cercle Tissier, ki sta jih vodila glavni učitelj Tissier in nam dobro znani Bruno Gonzalez, 6. Dan. Sam pa sem bil ponovno tudi v doju Fabrica Croize-ja, 5. Dan. Tam se je odvijal poseben trening pod vodstvom ital